Curried apple and carrot soup

Curried apple and carrot soup

1 onion

1 clove garlic

2 cooking apples

500 g carrots

1 tsp mild curry powder

1/3 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp ginger

1 1/2 vegetable stock cube

1/2 tsp salt

500 ml water

200 ml full fat coconut milk

Chop onion and garlic roughly. Add to a large saucepan with a little splash of water. Cook on high heat for a few minutes to soften.

Core the apples but leave the skin on. Chop into large pieces and drop into the saucepan along with the spices, stock cubes, water and coconut milk. Simmer for about 30-40 minutes or until the carrots are soft. Whizz the soup with a stick blender or in a food processor until smooth.


  • 6/14/2015 2:33:42 PM

