


800-900 g flour

100 g butter

220 g sugar

6 tsp baking powder

1 1/2 tsp baking soda

3 tsp ground cardamom or 2 tsp cardamom extract

2 eggs

500 g plain yogurt

A few blocks of palm fat or other vegetable fat for frying

Start by working the cold butter into half of the flour. When the butter and flour are well mixed and without lumps, add the sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and cardamom.

Add almost all the remaining flour, reserving the last 100 grams to add as needed.

Knead in the yogurt and eggs, adding more flour until the dough is no longer sticky and can be handled without sticking to your fingers.

Let the dough rest in the refrigerator for one hour before working with it.

Take half of the dough and roll it out with a rolling pin to about 0.5 cm thick. Cut out diamond shapes and cut a small slit in the middle of each diamond. Pull one end of the diamond through the slit to twist the kleinur.

Heat the fat in a pot or deep fryer to about 170-180°C. It's important to ensure the fat is hot enough during frying (the temperature will drop during frying). If fried at too low a temperature, the kleinur may become saturated with the fat and won't be as crispy.

Fry a few kleinur at a time, turning them in the fat to achieve an even, golden color.

Place the fried kleinur on kitchen paper to cool.

The kleinur can be stored in the freezer.

Enjoy your Icelandic kleinur!